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  • Writer's pictureErik Parsons

CSIRO Kick-Start project addresses key Challenges of developing Solar Cooling Systems

Updated: May 10

Erik and Roman at CSIRO Energy, Newcastle, NSW

The Corellian team recently wrapped up an enlightening CSIRO Kick-Start project with scientists at CSIRO Energy to address ‘Challenges of developing solar cooling systems and prototype development’.

A highlight was a 2-day workshop in Newcastle, NSW, in December 2023, which allowed Corellian and CSIRO to deep dive into technical topics. CSIRO Energy and the NHPTF (National HVAC Performance Test Facility) have over 15 years of extensive expertise in developing and testing novel solar cooling and HVAC systems, with valuable insights that complement Corellian's R&D.

This Kick-Start project was match-funded by CSIRO through the CSIRO Kick-Start program run by CSIRO SME Connect. Corellian is grateful to the SME Connect team, Karen Brock and the scientists at CSIRO Energy, for making this collaboration possible.

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